Maternity Services

All routine maternity care before and after a baby is born is provided in the Rochdale borough. Care before the baby is born includes care by midwives visiting women at home, in clinics, health centres, children's centres and at the antenatal clinic at Rochdale Infirmary (please note, there are no births and there is no overnight antenatal or overnight postnatal care at Rochdale Infirmary).

Pregnant women from the Rochdale borough are encouraged to contact their local community midwife as soon as they know they are pregnant. The number for Direct to Midwife is 01706 517 223.

Women should only need to attend a hospital outside Rochdale for the actual birth of their baby or for specialist care. Home births can still take place in the Rochdale borough.

For the birth, women have the choice of care in a midwife-led birth centre at the purpose-built women and children's facility at North Manchester General Hospital which opened in June 2010 or the new maternity and neonatal unit at The Royal Oldham Hospital which opened in December 2012.

Postnatal (after birth) care is provided at home and in the Rochdale borough community.

If you would like further information about maternity care, please contact the Maternity Care Helpline on 0161 656 1757 or contact us.
