GP Earnings

Publication of GP Earnings

It is a contractual requirement for practices to publish their mean average earnings for the year 2021/2022 on their website by 31 March 2023. It is also available in paper copy.

The calculation that has been used excludes certain types of income and the rules on calculating the average are complex and open to interpretation.

Full time GPs are defined in the guidance as working 8 sessions or more. Our calculations include the Partners, salaried GPs and locums who have worked at the practice full or part time for 6 months or more during 2021/2022.

The disclosure is shown below. Please note that the prescribed method for calculating the earnings is misleading as it does not reflect the amount of time the GPs spend in the practice and as such it should not be used to compare with other practices.

The average pay for GPs working at the Junction Alkrington Surgeries in the last financial year was £66,913 before tax and NI. This is for 3 partners, 1 salaried GP and 5 locum GPs who have worked at the Practice for more than six months in that financial year.