Clinics we offer

Management of Long Term Conditions

Our Nurses and Healthcare Assistants (HCAs) carry out management of our patients long term conditions. Many of these conditions require a yearly check-up, so we will send out appointment invites on a yearly basis. Some conditions, such as diabetes, may require more regular follow up and this will also be arranged by the surgery.

Mental Health

At the Junction and Alkrington Surgeries we aim to provide whole person medical care. Mental Health is a key part of overall well-being, so to support our patients, we have offered an in-house mental health service for many years. Patients can be referred to our in-house Mental Health Service by our GPs.

As part of our in-house mental health service we offer counselling, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).

We also have access to a Mental Health service within our Primary Care Network, Middleton PCN. This service includes Mental Health Practitioners, Psychologists, and Social Prescribing Link Workers. Patients can self-refer, or be referred by staff at our surgery. For more information about Middleton PCN, click here.

NHS Health Check

The NHS Health Check is a free check-up of your overall health. It can tell you whether you're at higher risk of getting certain health problems, such as:

If you're over 65, you will also be told the signs and symptoms of dementia to look out for.

If you're aged 40-74 and you haven't had a stroke, or you don't already have heart disease, diabetes or kidney disease, you should have an NHS Health Check every five years. 

Any follow-up tests or appointments are also free of charge.

Appointments are 20 minutes in length. If you would like to book an appointment, please call the surgery or ask at the desk.



Military Veterans

Do you or have you ever served in the armed forces? If you consent, we can record your military service in your medical history so that our GPs and other clinicians can potentially choose more specific pathways to help with some of the health issues you may experience. If you have ever served in the military please let a member of our reception team know that you are a Military Veteran and would like it recording on your notes.

For more information about NHS services for veterans click here. If you are a veteran and are experiencing mental health issues please contact Combat Stress by calling 0800 138 1619 or by texting 07537 404 719*.

*Standard charges may apply.